Adroitec Invites you to the PTC Talks on the " Using On Shape Models for Robotic Assembly of Mass-Customizable Products "

Adroitec Engg    25-Oct-2023
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Adroitec Invites you to the PTC Talks on the " Using On Shape Models for Robotic Assembly of Mass-Customizable Products "

    Adroitec- PTC invites you to This week's "PTC TALKS"
Topic: "Using On Shape Models for Robotic Assembly of Mass-Customizable Products"
Guest speaker: Mr. Peter Harman, CTO at CAE Tech Limited.
Date and Time: Friday, 27th October 2023, 3:30 pm to 4 pm.
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Mass customization is a key trend in manufacturing, driven by the demands of consumers for choice, and sustainability factors. Could a robotic assembly process be programmed dynamically to assemble a customizable product?
CAE-Tech and The MTC set the goal to be able to assemble a product that has potentially infinite configurations in a way that customer purchases could be assembled without additional input from engineers. A use case was defined, a robotic cell was prepared to perform the assembly task, and an extension to On shape was developed to generate the robot program based on parameter choices in On shape models. This presentation will describe the process followed, the goals achieved, and the potential disruptive impact of this technology on mass-customizable manufacturing.

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