Creo Elements/ Direct Drafting

Adroitec Engg    01-Aug-2023
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Creo Elements Direct Drafting

Creo Elements/ Direct Drafting offers comprehensive 2D CAD capabilities for optimizing the mechanical design process. The design capabilities provide a powerful and interactive way to adapt existing drawings and create families of parts or drawings. You can drive the most complex design modifications by simply changing a dimension. We can also parameterize drawings and specify design rules at any stage in the design process.
Creo Elements/ Direct drafting supports sharing, so you can use several instances of the same part or assembly throughout a drawing. The parts browser helps you visualize and manage even the most complex assembly structures and all design activities, such as defining sub-assemblies, creating instances, and renaming, can be done directly in the browser. Designers can even define multiple drawing scales to handle assemblies that contain both exceptionally large and small parts.


  • Co-pilot driven geometry:Accomplish most drawing tasks without using menus.
  • Advanced modification methods:Includes unlimited undo and redo option.
  • Advanced Selection technique:Use ‘and’, ‘equal’, or all entities to choose drawing elements.
  • Multiple drawing handling:Merge parts of several drawings into one large-assembly drawing.
  • Parts and assembly concept:Keep track of design and modification of assemblies using a clear parts, assembly, and sub-assembly structure.
  • Sharing:Create several instances of the same part or assembly for use throughout the drawing.
  • Parts Browser:View and manage complex assembly structures. Define sub-assemblies, create instances, and rename directly in the Parts Browser
  • Global language support based on Unicode standard:Use multiple languages to annotate drawings—even Chinese and Japanese can coexist on the same page