Recently Adroitec developed IETM to one of the leading Home appliances Mfr. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual(IETM) is a digital manual that is crafted to suit a specific electronic medium, Viz. PDF,HTML, E – Book etc. With its dynamic team of Technical Illustrators combined with High end,high tech-pub tools, Adriotec is working to bring Modern ways to Indian Mfr industry.
We were awarded with the order because of our standalone portfolio and technical credibility.The company referred was impressed with our ability to understand the technical aspects of the machine and communicate different technical data effectively to the desired Audience.
Developed IETM will be used by company’s and its distributor’s service technicians.
In this particular case,IETM will have a Troubleshoot section which can be incorporated into our Android devices.Service Technicians will be able to access the different ways of identifying problems and multiple solutions available to resolve it with appropriate Animations and other viz tools.
With IETM,all data can be accessed by End users with utmost ease.And by using built-in Dynamic search,information can also be queried whenever needed.