PTC Creo Education Solution for Academic Teaching and training of Students by GTTI and UMS

Adroitec Engg    03-Aug-2023
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PTC Creo Education Solution for Academic Teachings

Uniqueness in Teaching and Training


To prepare the trainees/ Engineers for industrial adaptability in both technical aspects and soft skills.


PTC Creo Intuitive UI and New ease of use functionalities provide a platform to achieve Industry Ready Professionals

To serve Industry


To impart value-added training to the young engineers and mould them suitable for serving the industries on the specific requirements


With the Powerful capabilities of PTC Creo Mould Design Solutions, Students are not only trained on mould design tools but also get on the Job training with practical exposure

Update on Technologies


Need to keep updating our skill sets and technologies for the continuously growing industries


PTC Creo’s latest version enhances our knowledge on Latest tools such as Flexible Modeling, Additive Manufacturing Extension, etc.

To enable students more on Hands-on Training


Need to provide more options and better tools for learning with hands-on training


Always update the training syllabus with the state of the art technologies and prepare to meet the requirements
of Industries by periodic updates and introduction of new technologies

In order to develop young and competent engineers for the growing industries in India and abroad ,GTTI AND UMS had taken an initiative to offer various job oriented courses & value added courses etc….
“With help of PTC Creo and our unique approach of training,we could cater to the sepcific needs of various Industries by providing trained manpower.”

– P Mallinathan
Sr.Manager-UMS Technologies Training Center