Creo Top Enhancements : DESIGN FOR COMPOSITES
Adroitec Engg 14-Aug-2023
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Creo Top EnhancementS : DESIGN FOR COMPOSITESExpand your realm of possibilities. Leverage composite materials to ensure the strongest and lightest results possible.• Introducing a new dedicated composite design and manufacturingenvironment within Creo. Providing a broad set of functionalities to defineindividual ply layup, ply sections, transitions, ply order, and even createresulting solid geometry and Inner Mold Line (IML) quilt.• Broad support for simulating and validating the draping and flattening ofthe individual ply as well as the simulation of the final composite design.• Rich capabilities to apply splicing or darting operations to relieve stresses in the fabric.• Automatically create complete and detailed playbook documentation of the final layup sequence.