Creo Top Enhancements : DESIGN FOR COMPOSITES

Adroitec Engg    14-Aug-2023
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Creo 10 
Expand your realm of possibilities. Leverage composite materials to ensure the strongest and lightest results possible.

• Introducing a new dedicated composite design and manufacturing
environment within Creo. Providing a broad set of functionalities to define
individual ply layup, ply sections, transitions, ply order, and even create
resulting solid geometry and Inner Mold Line (IML) quilt.

• Broad support for simulating and validating the draping and flattening of
the individual ply as well as the simulation of the final composite design.

• Rich capabilities to apply splicing or darting operations to relieve stresses in the fabric.
• Automatically create complete and detailed playbook documentation of the final layup sequence.