Advantek Pvt Ltd reduces Product Development Time by 10% USING PTC CREO

02 Aug 2023 14:52:30

Advantek Pvt Ltd reduces Product Development Time
To develop New Products in lesser time
Initiative: Need to develop new products & variants in lesser time
Result: Fully associative 3D to 2D with strong powerful engineering features with PTC creo gives the accurate manufacturing drawings reducing errors and rework
Faster response to changes
Initiative: Capture engineering changes of similar products and improve change management

Result: With two way associativity nature of PTC Creo, Mfg. drawings are made/updated automatically. Drawing errors are reduced to great extent.
Minimize errors in Design
Initiative: To minimize design errors and improve design quality
Result: Reduced errors by 30%, which enabled more time to be spent on innovation
Standardizing the CAD platform
Initiative: Consolidating with one standard, reliable, flexible CAD platform
Result: Creo’s Unite technology makes it easy to work with CAD models created in other applications and saves considerable time.
Customer Quote
“With Creo we have reduced product development time by approx. 10%. Creo design capabilities helped us to improve time significantly….
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