IHSMarkit has released Goldfire 11.0

02 Aug 2023 12:41:38

IHSMarkit has released Goldfire 11 0

Available as an online update, Goldfire version 11.0 includes numerous functional enhancements and usability improvements:
Cognitive Search:
Goldfire provides users a new search experience with the introduction of the Cognitive Search algorithm. Users can search any combination of keywords, part numbers, document numbers, questions & more, utilizing either keyword or natural language-style queries – and Goldfire will identify the most relevant search results.
Query Concept Detection
Goldfire automatically detects multiple concepts in a query and splits the query into its components. This enables users to focus categories and lenses on each concept separately while viewing results for the whole query.
Metadata Extraction & Creation
Goldfire utilizes pre-trained AI to detect, extract & create metadata fields directly from the body of documents to deliver contextualized information to users including keywords, named entities, authors, document numbers, etc. to enhance the search experience.
Metadata Manager
Enables Goldfire administrators to tune and customize the search experience with metadata that is extracted from corporate sources. Administrators can change the ordering of metadata fields & how those fields are applied, boost and bury metadata fields and tune the overall user experience to improve search results.
Intelligent Viewer for Lenses
Visually browse through intelligent lens results that are interconnected with a virtual ‘heat map‘ that allows users to easily drill into the underlying details
Click Data For Search Improvements
To improve the ranking of documents Goldfire collects anonymous data about search activity and has the ability to create an optimized search model based on a combination of technologies including Learning to Rank algorithms.
► Queries and results are encoded such that IHS Markit can analyze the data for optimal configuration of metadata fields without knowing the actual query terms.
► User data, query terms, and details about the documents in search results are not collected.
► Click data must be explicitly sent to the Goldfire team in a log package; it is not able to be analyzed without customer knowledge or control.
Index Upgrade Detection
This allows administrators to better manage the overall deployment by managing indexing and upgrades with ease. Goldfire can recognize when new index upgrades are necessary to enable improvements to search quality and to the management of index content. Index Upgrade Detection flags only the documents that require updating for reindexing, and then Goldfire will reindex them on the next recurrence. This process is designed to minimize the impact on the indexing schedule and will not start without your confirmation. Russian Cross-Language Support Goldfire now supports Russian for cross-language search functionality. Queries submitted in Russian will now return related documents in the search results that are not in Russian. Filter Groups For ease of filtering search results, users can create custom groups within a filter comprised of items in that filter and apply it to search results. Groups are saved between sessions for reuse in other queries. Automatic Selection of Custom Synonyms If the administrator has defined custom synonyms Goldfire automatically selects custom synonyms to be applied in the query. General System Updates
► IHS Goldfire supports TLS 1.2 when TLS 1.1 and 1.0 are disabled.
► Microsoft Edge is now a supported browser for he Goldfire Web Client
► PTC Windchill connector supports browsing Windchill folders
► Siemens Teamcenter connector has added stability and performance improvements
► SAP Connector supports SAP GUI for Windows
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