Web Schedule February 2019

02 Aug 2023 11:51:35
Webinar Training Sessions

Sl. No Date Day Time Topic Duration
1 27.02.19 Wednesday 15:00 Design Validation using Multi physics 45
2 06.03.19 Wednesday 15:00 3D product design using IronCAD 45
3 13.03.19 Wednesday 15:00 Mechanical drafting using IC Draft 45
4 19.03.19 Tuesday 15:00 Augmented reality using Creo 45
5 27.03.19 Wednesday 15:00 Real time design Validation using Creo 45

Webinar Demo Sessions

Sl No Date Day Time Topic Duration
1 27.02.19 Wednesday 11:00 Creo License management tips and techniques 45
2 06.03.19 Wednesday 11:00 Configuring IC draft for mechanical drafting 45
3 13.03.19 Wednesday 11:00 Understand Drawing templates and formats in Creo 45
4 19.03.19 Tuesday 11:00 Getting started with Creo Frame work design 45
5 27.03.19 Wednesday 11:00 Configure and utilise PTC e-learning 45
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