Animated Service information Video:

03 Aug 2023 14:42:43
When it comes to communicating the essential service information of a product to the user, any compromise in its efficiency/quality may result in increased cost of service or flooded warranty claims. Visual communication is the most effective communication of any information. When it comes to communication of repair/overhauling procedures, especially to end-users, it’s extremely critical to make an effective communication that can in turn keep service costs under control. As part of Adroitec’s Visuslasation services, we develop Animate service information videos that can communicate the essential information to users in an uncompromised manner. A typical service procedure typical would include; precautions, warnings, best practices, a list of tools and equipment needed, specifications along the sequential servicing procedure.

A demo video of Industrial Equipment’s overhauling instruction documented in form of animation

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