Obsolescense Management

03 Aug 2023 14:50:33
The parts supply chain is a complex puzzle. New semiconductor designs continued calls for low-power consumption and shorter life cycles are making supply chain management even more complicated.

The average component life cycle is now only 10 years.

With shrinking life cycles there is a growing sense of urgency for industry professionals. 94% of engineers say they feel greater time pressure and stress to solve problems even more efficiently and effectively than they did just three years ago.

Low-power consumption is accelerating obsolescence.

Obsolescence impacts everyone in the supply chain
Procurement Manager:Procurement has become more responsible over the years to ensure the overall success of a company’s supply chain.
Design Engineer:Design engineers play a critical role in minimizing the impact and costs of parts obsolescence during their product’s life.
Compliance Manager:Compliance managers must mitigate the heightened risk of counterfeits when parts succumb to obsolescence.
Component Engineer:Component engineers require access to timely, accurate and complete part data to respond to PCNs and EOL notifications.

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